"De zilte bodem doorgronden"

potatoes and fieldbeans at the Dubbele Dijk

This is a 4-year project in collaboration with dr Jan Henk Venema of the University of Groningen funded by the Waddenfonds and Province of Groningen at the Dubbele Dijk.

We are using an integrated approach to discover practical agricultural solutions to the decrease in soil quality in the Wadden region.

We will examine both physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil under three different experiments:
1. 4-year agricultural rotations of 6 different potato varieties, fieldbeans, oat/clover and Emmer wheat
2. multi-year growth of cover crops (oat/clover, oat/clover & seaweed or perennial plants)
3. fertilization experiments with silt or seaweed

Soil Regeneration at the Dubbele Dijk

bare soil Dubbele Dijk

Salinity on clay soils is increasingly problematic for coastal agricultural areas in the Netherlands and is expected to increase under climate change scenarios. In addition to the problems associated with osmotic stress, a strong decrease in soil quality forms a large obstacle for a successful agriculture.

In this 1-year pilot study, funded by SalFar, the effect of various cover crop and organic amendments on abiotic and biotic soil properties was determined in the "Dubbele Dijk", an area that is dedicated for research on saline agriculture. 

Below-ground mutualisms to support pollination mutualisms

AMF for pollinators

This USGS-funded project was aimed at improving pollinator habitat using mycorrhizal inoculum and was conducted in collaboration with researchers from the US Geological Survey, University of Minnesota and North Dakota State University.

We examined AM fungal associations of different prairie plants in prairie remnants and restorations.

GreenFinch Research | info@greenfinchresearch.com | KvK-nr 82703892 

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